Creating a Backyard Oasis with Landscaping

Creating a Backyard Oasis with Landscaping

Creating a Backyard Oasis with Landscaping 

Summer is an excellent time to spend outdoors with family and friends. If your backyard is looking a bit drab after winter, you may feel discouraged and not want to turn it into the summer oasis it could be. Luckily, with some easy landscaping techniques, your lawn can go from drab to fab quickly. Valley Green has been a northeast landscape supplier for twenty plus years and we have the products that can help you in the process of creating a backyard oasis with landscaping.

Creating a Backyard Oasis with Landscaping
The first thing you’ll want to do is start with a thorough clean up. Start with cleaning up sticks, trash, and other debris left over from winter. Organize anything that is sitting around on the lawn such as kids toys, plant pots, and stray lawn tools. Get rid of anything that has standing water because it will serve as a mosquito breeding ground. Mosquitoes can easily ruin the relaxing atmosphere of your backyard. After the cleanup is complete, make a note of any yellow or brown spots on the grass that may need to be treated or reseeded. Check out our grass seed selection for this.

After the cleanup is complete, start the process of removing any weeds that have grown during late winter and spring. Most weeds are unsightly and if not kept in check, will take over a lawn. If you have a patio area, remove the weeds from there first. Dandelions and other weeds can even grow between stone and can easily make a patio look unkempt. While you’re at it, give the patio a clean too with a power washer. You can hand pull the weeds them but we highly recommend using an herbicide to keep them at bay. Keeping the weeds in check will also ensure that your lawn doesn’t have to share its nutrients with weeds.

After the process of weed removal is complete, prune back all the dead limbs on trees and shrubs. While you are pruning, give your trees a thorough inspection for insect damage. If you suspect an insect infestation, start treating it before summer really kicks in. If you have leaf filled beds, remove the leaves and debris then consider mulching. Mulch is very good at making any lawn look pristine and can help keep shrubs and other plants healthy. If there are no plantings growing in the mulch, consider covering up bare spots with hardy shrubs, flowers, and plants.

Now that you have all the clean up work done, you can concentrate on the fun stuff. An ideal backyard contains the following things, a patio, a dining area with furniture, a safe area to grill, and a way to keep harmful insects away. Many homeowners also like to include a water feature in their backyard oasis. You can now purchase premade fountains but if you want to really get into landscape design, a water garden might make a better choice. Don’t forget to put things away properly when the season ends. Snow and ice can easily wreck any type of patio furniture or grill.


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