Five Summer Problems Your Lawn Might Be Trying to Tell You

Five Summer Problems Your Lawn Might Be Trying to Tell You

Summer is certainly a trying time for even the most established lawns. If you are a new homeowner who is still green to proper lawn care, the best way to learn might be to listen to what your lawn is trying to tell you. There are many summer problems your lawn might be trying to tell you. If your lawn can survive one of these harsh northeast summers, the rest of the seasons should be easy for you. Valley Green has been a top northeast landscape supplier for over thirty years. We have several locations across the northeast and our customers serve everyone from large municipality crews to individual homeowners. If you are having any issues with summer lawn upkeep, you should check out these five summer problems your lawn might be trying to tell you.

Five Summer Problems Your Lawn Might be Trying to Tell You

Your lawn is trying to tell you it needs water.

If you are walking on your lawn and you see footprints afterwards, it is a sign that your grass is starting to wilt. This is common in the hottest days of summer. The easiest way to remedy this is to simply give your lawn a drink. It always a good idea to water deeply but infrequently in the summer and do it in the early morning so the water does not immediately evaporate and has a chance to hit the roots.

There are mushrooms popping up all over your lawn.

If your lawn is plagued with mushrooms, it is a sign that your lawn is too wet. Mushrooms sometimes appears after heavy rain but then quickly go away on their own. If the mushrooms pop up regularly though, it might be time to find a way to dry your lawn out. If cutting back on watering doesn’t help, change out your drainage and try aerating your lawn. Trimming branches back can also let more sunlight which mushrooms dislike.

You may have fertilized your lawn a little too much.
One of our top products is our fertilizer mixes. Believe it or not, too much fertilizer can be a bad thing. Applying too much or applying it unevenly can result in fertilizer burn. Fertilizer burn causes grass to turn yellow and if it is severe, then the grass will turn brown. If you suspect that your lawn has been over-fertilized, flush the minerals out of the grass with a steady stream of water. This a long process so it is best done with a sprinkler.

Your lawn has irregular brown patches.
Grubs are one of the most common summer pests that plague lawns. Grubs are the larval stage of insects such as June Bugs. Grubs feed on the roots of turfgrass which causes it to wilt and die. It is easy to check whether you have a grub infestation. Dig up the grass in a suspected area and if you find small C-shaped insects with orange heads, you have grubs. You can usually get grubs under control with an insecticide.

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