Factors that Determine Cool Season Grass Growth

Factors that Determine Cool Season Grass Growth

Valley Green has specialized in providing cool season turf grass to our clients for over 20 years now. We have several custom cool season grass blends to suit both the home and commercial customer. There are several factors that determine cool season grass growth. Most of them are growing conditions. We are closing in on the deadline to plant cool season grass so our article this week will focus on factors that determine cool season grass growth.

Factors that Determine Cool Season Grass Growth

The Temperature of the Soil
Soil temperatures are one of the biggest factors in whether your cool season grass will grow. When spring rolls around, your cool season grass will start to germinate when the soil temperature reaches 50 degrees Fahrenheit. When the temperature is between 50 and 75 degrees, that is when the grass will grow at its most vigorous rate. When late spring and summer kick in, any soil temperature of over 85 degrees will slow the growth of the cool season grasses.

The Length of the Day
Grass can only grow when it has sunlight and carbon dioxide to germinate with. With the sunlight and carbon dioxide, the grass goes into a process called photosynthesis. Grass will grow more often when the sun rays are out longer. That is why spring is considered a great time to plant cool season grass. It can also be planted in the fall but no later than October 15th as the ground may freeze after.

Moisture Content
Turf grass will never grow if it is not given an adequate amount of moisture. Snow melt during spring will usually provide cool season grass with all the water it may need. Drier summer days mean that you should water the grass deeply and frequently. Doing this will also help the grass to build a deeper root system. You should still water during fall but only if your yard is receiving less than an inch of precipitation per week. Don’t water the lawn after the ground freezes because the water will not reach the roots.

The Soil Nutrients
When the soil has the right conditions, there can be a lot of naturally occurring nutrients for the roots to absorb then grow. You should always test your soil before you do any large plantings of grass seed. This allows you to see if you have the proper nutrients and if you don’t, you can always use the proper type of fertilizer to supplement what is missing. Fall is always a good time to test your soil because it is also a popular time to fertilize.

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