Summer Grass Care Timeline

Summer Grass Care Timeline

The weather in the northeast is slowly getting warmer and Valley Green is in the midst of its busy season. Many of our commercial and residential customers are preparing their lawn for summer’s hot and dry weather. Because we are one of the northeast’s top landscape suppliers, we have put together a summer grass care timeline for the northeast. If you need products to make sure you can execute our summer grass care timeline, check out our full list.

Summer Grass Care Timeline

May Grass Care

The month of May in the northeast tends to be warm despite still being a spring month. It is a prime time to begin the process of conditioning grass for summer’s dry weather. You’ll want to mow the lawn frequently but keep your blades at least three inches up. Continue to test your soil and use the data to apply the correct fertilizers. Spot spray weeds and begin your preventative fungicide treatments.

June Grass Care

Begin your irrigation and aim for 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. Water deeply and infrequently and try to do it between 4 am and 9 am. Raise your mower height to 3.5 inches and begin your grub control treatments. Watch for turfgrass diseases because they become more common as the weather gets warmer and becomes more humid.

July Grass Care

Irrigate regularly and continue to watch for turf diseases. Remember that high heat and low rainfall may cause cool-season grasses to go dormant.  If your grass has not gone dormant, fertilize it with a low nitrogen formula. Continue to watch for grubs and other harmful turf insects.

August Grass Care

Grass care in August is very similar to July, just be on the lookout for chinch bugs which tend to make their appearance in mid-summer.

September Grass Care

September is an excellent time to overseed. Besides overseeding, you want to dethatch the lawn as well. You should also aerate. Continue to mow but decrease the blade height to 2.5 to 3 inches. Apply a starter fertilizer to help the lawn start to condition itself for winter.



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