How Do I Store Unused Grass Seed Over The Winter?

How Do I Store Unused Grass Seed Over The Winter?

How Do I Store Unused Grass Seed Over The Winter

Valley Green’s number one product is our grass seed blends. We’ve been selling custom grass seed blends for over 20 years and are always answering customer questions about it. A common question we often get is; how do I store unused grass seed over the winter? If you have unused grass seed, storing it over the winter is fine as long as you have a cool and dry place. You can also use the leftover seed in spring. Here are some tips and answers to the question, how do I store unused grass seed over the winter?

What to store grass seed in over the winter.

When you put the grass seed away, you’ll want to store it in something breathable. Your best bet is a cloth or burlap sack. Breathable material allows better airflow which will prevent the growth of mold. If your grass seed is unopened and still in the original container, it is best to keep it in there and not move it to a different container. If you can, you should also store the seed bags off the floor. This lessens the chance of moisture getting into bags. Pallets are affordable and usually a good choice for this. You’ll also want to label the seed with the date, brand, and type of seed. This will you let know if the seed is still viable by a certain date. If kept in the right conditions, the seed can last up to five years.

Where to store grass seed over the winter.

Unused grass seed should be stored in a cool dry area that has some air circulation. Avoid places that are prone to freezing such as sheds and unheated garages. Basements and cellars are usually a good place but they must be dry. If you have any concerns about moisture, you can always put a desiccant such as baking soda inside the bag.  Wherever you end up storing the seed, you’ll need to keep mice away from it. Keep the bags off the floor or in a large container that they can’t chew through.

How to tell if grass seed is still viable.

If you’re ready to plant the unsued seed, you should check if it is viable first. A simple way to do this is to see if a few seeds can germinate. Place them between paper towels and place them out of direct sunlight. If the seeds don’t germinate within ten days, the seed is probably not viable. You can also check the seeds by placing a few in a container of water. If the seeds sink, they are viable. If they float, it is unlikely they will sprout.


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