Why Isn’t My Grass Growing?

Why Isn't My Grass Growing?

Grass seed is one of Valley Green’s most popular products. We have a variety of mixes for a variety of different lawns and budgets. We often sell our grass seed to both commercial and private landscapers as well as homeowners. One of the most common questions we hear when customers are purchasing grass seed is, “why isn’t my grass growing?”. If you are in the process of reseeding a lawn, several factors can go into play when getting the grass to grow. Our article this week will be answers to the question, why isn’t my grass growing?

Why Isn’t My grass Growing?

There’s too much shade.

Most types of grass require at least six hours of sunlight daily. Some types of grass are more shade tolerant but these still require at least 2 hours of sunlight per day. If you have grass seed that is not growing under trees, it may be easier to mulch the area as opposed to growing grass.

You’re watering too much or not enough.

Grass does need water to grow but poorly chosen watering techniques can inhibit grass growth. Water too much or too little can stunt growth, therefore, it is best practice shallow and frequent watering. The most common types of grass seed and lawns require 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week to grow properly. If you do not have time for regular waterings, you may want to invest in a sprinkler system.

You’re cutting the grass too often.

Cutting grass too short or cutting with a dull blade can send the grasses’ roots into shock. Leave 70 percent of the blade down during mowing and always use a sharp blade. Cutting too much much can also lead to scaled grass which allows weeds to grow. Scalped grass often takes a month or more to grow back.

Your soil is too compacted.

If your lawn is older, chances are the soil could be compacted. Soil that is walked on slowly clumps together and creates an environment where roots might suffocate. Aerating your lawn will usually remedy this. Aerating allows air to penetrate the soil layers for a more open consistency.

Your soil is unhealthy.

Soil that lacks nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus can be inhibiting grass growth. Winter deicers and salt that has seeped onto the lawn can also affect the health of your soil. Purchasing a soil test kit can tell you what exactly is wrong with your soil. Afterward, you can purchase the proper chemicals to fix them.



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