Valley Green Incorporated has several different turf products to keep lawns looking their best. One of our more popular products is our selection of fertilizers. We have several brands to pick from that will suit your growing needs. Spring is a busy time for both landscapers and homeowners who need to prepare lawns for the summer. Since landscaping has been deemed an essential business, we want to keep you informed about the best ways to perform it. April is a great time to fertilize lawns and because of that, our article this week will be on the best fertilizing tips for spring.
The Best Fertilizing Tips for Spring
Step 1 is always to test your soil. This will provide the vital information you need to select the proper type of fertilizer. Before starting off the fertilization, you’ll need to calculate how much you will need. You will have to calculate the square footage of the space you are working with. Keep in mind that you will only have to calculate the square footage of the grass and not the flower beds and walkways.
If you are a commercial landscaper, you are probably tasked regularly with fertilizing large spaces such as parks and golf courses. A broadcast or rotary spreader can make the job much easier. You’ll want to start at the perimeter of the area and move back and forth across the turf in an orderly pattern. Overlap the strips of fertilizer to ensure a proper and complete application. If you have smaller application areas such as residential lawns, you may want to invest in a drop spreader. It will ensure a complete application and costs much less than a rotary spreader.
You’ll want to completely water the lawn before the fertilizer application. After the grass has dried you may apply fertilizer and then water again afterward. The second watering is extremely important because it allows the fertilizer to wash off the grass blades into the soil. Try not to fertilize before a significant rainstorm because downpours may actually wash the fertilizer away.
You’ll also want to fertilize the lawn responsibly. Try to avoid letting the fertilizer wash into the street. It is also vital that you do not let the fertilizer seep into lakes, ponds, or rivers. Too many nutrients in the water can lead to explosive algae and weed growth. Stay 6 to 8 feet away from water when applying the fertilizer. If you find that fertilizer has collected on hard surfaces, sweep it into the grass so that it does not wash into waterways when it rains. When measuring out the amount of fertilizer, less is more. The less fertilizer you utilize, the less likely it is to spread to where it shouldn’t.
We hope you enjoyed our best fertilizing tips for spring. Stay safe and healthy!