The northeast has had a fairly mild winter and many homeowners are starting to plan their spring projects. Many of these projects likely include spreading grass seed. There are, surprisingly, right and wrong ways to plant grass seed. Too much seed and the grass may have a difficult time germinating. Too little seed and the lawn will end up with bald patches. Valley Green is one of the largest seed suppliers in the northeast and we are ramping up business for the spring season. To help you use our grass seed products effectively, our article today will be on how to plant grass seed. When done reading how to plant grass seed, you should take a look at our great selection of grass seed that we have available. Call one of our locations to make your order today!
- Before you begin the planting process, make sure you prepare the soil. Remove accumulated winter debris (sticks, stones, etc) so you have a clear space to plant. Loosen the top 2 to 3 inches of soil and break up clumps that are bigger than a half-dollar.
- You’ll want to level the areas of soil where excess water might accumulate.
- Remember to never use weed killers prior to planting grass seed.
- It also never hurts to get a soil test done. The ideal PH for most types of grasses is between 6.0 and 7.0.
- Choose the correct type of grass seed to plant. Ask yourself several questions before making this decision. Does your yard see a lot of foot traffic? Does it get partial or full sun? DIY Network has compiled a list of the different types of grass seed that can be used with different conditions.
- Add some compost, topsoil, and fertilizer and work them into the soil.
- Start to spread the seed. To make sure you get the maximum coverage, sow half the seed in one direction and the other half at a right angle.
- Mulch the new seed with straw that is free of weeds. This will protect the seed and give it time to germinate. An alternative to the straw would be a seed starter mat or seed blanket.
- Water the seeds frequently but try not to saturate them. When the grass reached about an inch in height, cut back the watering to once per day.
- After the grass height has reached 2.5 to 3 inches, you can start mowing it.
- Apply a pre-emergent crabgrass control to stop the germination of unwanted grasses.