5 Mosquito Control Tips

5 Mosquito Control Tips

Tuesday, August 20 is World Mosquito Day. World Mosquito Day commemorates the anniversary of Sir Ronald Ross discovering the link between Malaria and Mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous insects on the planet due to their ability to transmit deadly viruses such as Zika and West Nile. Controlling mosquitoes is very important because these viruses are transmittable to both humans and animals. To commemorate World Mosquito Day, our article this week will be on 5 mosquito control tips.

5 Mosquito Control Tips

  1. Get rid of anything that contains standing water. Mosquitoes larvae can grow in containers as small as a bottle cap. 100 to 200 mosquitoes can hatch in standing water within a span of a week. If you have water containers that have to be used (rain barrels or animal water) be sure they are covered or change them out daily to kill any larvae that might have hatched overnight.
  2. Set up mosquito control traps. These traps function by mimicking a human’s body heat which mosquitoes are attracted to. Once the insects are inside a special mechanism prevents them from escaping. Another option is to use a bug zapper. These are very effective in controlling insects which are attracted to fluorescent lights. The only downside to using bug zappers is they kill other insects that aren’t dangerous like mosquitoes.
  3. Apply an EPA approved pesticide that controls mosquitoes. These are most effective when applied to the edged of a yard or property.
  4. Encourage mosquito predators to populate your property. Birds and bats regularly feed upon mosquitoes. You can put up bird and bat houses for a place for the predators to sleep. To attract the birds initially, try putting up some seed feeders and a birdbath. To attract bats to the house, make sure to provide a water source and plant native flowers to attract other insects that will provide a food source.
  5. Cedar mulch is hated by mosquitoes. If you or your clients need to remulch their beds and they have a mosquito problem, use Cedar Mulch. Just keep in mind that the scent of cedar comes from oil that is trapped in the wood and you will likely have to mulch again to keep the scent strong.

Check out our locations to find all of your mosquito control needs.


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